Becoming familiar with the techniques, equipment and aquatics required for sidemount diving.We will teach you the advantages of diving with a sidemount configuration and how to set up a sidemount wing. The course is divided into 1 confined water session and 4 open water dives.
Set up and correctly configure your sidemount dive equipment, tanks, harnesses, etc...
Adjust your ballast system and sidemount equipment so that you are perfectly balanced in the water.
Manage gas switching between tanks.
Managing potential problems when diving with sidemount.
This program will familiarise the diver with the advanced techniques, equipment and mindset required for technical sidemount diving. Enables divers to assemble and competently use the configuration of technical sidemount equipment. Teaches divers the proper techniques to safely conduct decompression dives that ensure the use of the sidemount configuration.
Malta United Kingdom France